Week 47
I saw this exact same face on a donut once! Who knew breads had twins?
November 17 — Grand Man
 I waited till the sun was setting so these yellow petals wouldn’t have the color blown out of them.
My Trusty Beast, Aslan, waited till I got down with my camera to investigate them.
(I love that dog!)
November 16 — Aslan & Mums
November 15 — Â Car Pet
My Nodding Moose re-surfaced during some recent de-junking  & has claimed his rightful place in the back of my car.
November 14 — Moose
I just saw this nest in my nekkid maple tree this morning.
I’m thinking it’s where the mockingbirds set up housekeeping last spring.
They hang out all year in the burning bush below.
November 13 — Nest
To retrieve or not to retrieve …
November 12 — Browsing
Although he thought there was a certain jauntiness to it,
Vincent never really considered himself a tam kind of guy.
November 11 — Tam