Week 24
My little Mollie Fish is always on the move
— usually pestering one of his tank mates.
Today I set up a 55 gallon tank (:~D !!!)
and moved the fish from my 20 gallon ones into it.
When I saw Mr. Mollie, he was resting so well that
I thought he was dying from the stress of his relocation.
I sorrowfully took his picture —
because I love his tail & never have been able to record it
(since it always was moving).
In a bit, his fins started moving faster
& he rose up and swam off
to check out his reflection in a Back-Wall Mirror. :~D
June 16 — Mollie At Rest
I like the one that’s ‘plugged in’ Â on the left.
June 15 — Relief’d Pigeons
Straight Out Of Camera — this is what I saw!
June 14 — Looking East At Sunset
Though he tried & tried, Vincent never could figure out why the new fish tank was such a Big Deal.
June 13 — Fish Tank
He heard a ‘thunk’ behind him.
When he turned around to investigate, a mostly-naked baby bird lay on top of the car.
It opened & closed its beak, but there was no sound.
Ten feet or so above, in a nest in the oak, an adult robin’s rump and tail feathers were visible.
There was no hope for this baby.
The next day, a different car parked under the tree.
And a different baby robin lay on its roof.
June 12 — Out Too Soon
This Radar Rooster Caused A Migraine! :~þ
June 11 — Radar Rooster
June 10 — Evil Tree In The Night