What Did Benjamin See?

Upon donning the hologram glasses, what did Benjamin see?

Snowflakes!  Quite magical.

(Even in black and white!)

Ahh, snowmen!  Very festive indeed!

Can you believe it?  He removed the glasses and STILL saw holograms!

Will there be more holograms in Benjamin’s  future?

Time will tell.

(I certainly hope so, being the photographer and all.)


And Then …


(Another) Turtle Tale

At a recent trip to a local breakfast bar, I was inspired by a heaping dish of whipped cream.

In the process of photographing my masterpiece, I made an amazing discovery.

I had unwittingly created a SNAPPING TURTLE on my plate!

Even my husband — who doesn’t always see things the way I do ;~) — knew a whipped cream snapping turtle head when he saw one!

The turtle seemed interested in Karl’s breakfast.

So Karl graciously offered it a bite of eggs.

Of course, being a pancake on whipped cream, the turtle declined and was himself eaten.


S’more Fun

It came from the campfire …

The Angel and The Duck — A Christmas Scene

Per-pet-ual Motion

Aslan is one of those beasts who rarely hold still.

His tongue flicks

His body wags

He trots

His eyes say “Snatch it if you can!”

(Oops!  Time out …

… got to clean up the ball!)

So we can play ‘Keep Away’

A busy, busy, BUSY (!) Beast!


Air-drops in the aquarium

Just as bubbles are unpredictable, so is the lay-out of these pictures! :~þ

It Was A Cold Day

in  ummm … December.Bear!


← Frosty Crystals

Frosty Tongue →

Frosty Picks

Thin Ice

Sheets O’ Thin Ice

Thin Ice Head (With Flowing Hair) →

← Thin Ice Bunny

Thin Ice Trees ↓

Keep A-Movin’, May Belle! He’s A-Lookin’ Hungry

Avert your eyes May Belle!  Don’t let him  stare you down!

Oh no! He’s a-givin’ us the evil eye!

RUN  MAY BELLE! He’s a-sellin’ wrist watches!

It Says “Fall” To Me

In the part of the world where I live, the seasons don’t always start and end according to the calendar.  Summer starts before Memorial Day and  lasts well past Labor Day. So how do we really know what season it is?

Here are some of the things that tell me Fall is arriving:

The cultivated Asters bloom.  They’re the end of my perennials.

That daily text I get from the radio station usually includes the word “rain”,

we’ll have the occasional “one-dog-night”,


and my Beasts take steps to insure their winter food supply.

(And start arranging their bedding just so.)

I get the urge to buy (and wear) soft, fuzzy things …

… and fuzzy things show up in my yard.

Scattered whispy and puffy clouds are replaced by massive flat-bottomed ones.

(Yes, I DO see a cat guarding its food dish in those clouds!)


We have the traditional changes in the foliage, but the light across the landscape also changes. (Maybe because of those flat-bottomed clouds?)  Distant buildings glow.

Summer plants succumb to frost and the mums are available to the stray bees

… surely Fall is arriving.


Time to pull out the trash can and cook some turkey!

(Bet you didn’t see that one coming!)