The Red-Eye Special

It appears that some things have red eyes even when they’re not tired!

They only look Photo-Shopped. Really they're the real thing.

♫ Eensy-Weensy ♫

♫ The eensy-weensy spider ♪ Came into my sight. ♫

♫ Out came my camera  ♪ because I had no fright! ♫


Spikey-Haired Spider


♫ “Click” went the shutter ♪ time and time again ♫

Buff Shade-Wearing Spider Guy Coming Over The Hill!

♫ And the eensy-weensy spider ♫

Four-Eyed Mutant Frog King


Is immortalized for all time on the internet! :~D

Fall Into The Fog

One foggy morning in September …

Inspiration for jewelry makers


Temp frame for the Old Towne

Burning Bush Buds

Burning Bush Buds Collage

Garden hose (There's a dog in this shot!) (Really)

A Tie Than Binds

Spider-String Art

Holey Hammock Web Dissected

Soggy Spider Silk collage

I LOVE the face on this spider's back!

Plant Part Reflected

Not All Drops Are Round! (And sometimes they spit!!!)

When will this drip drop?

Dragon's Face (I thought they were supposed to breathe fire!)

And do you see the Sprite?

How 'Bout That Water Fowl?

Oak parts collage

After the drop has dripped


That ‘!’ pretty well sums it up!  I love what the fog does to the yard. :~)

♫ C-H-I-C-K-E-N … That Ere The Way You Spell Chicken ♫

The Chicken and Bunny Barn is one of my favorite places at our county fair. Here are some of the denizens of the chicken side …

This guy stuck his head out of the cage and pecked my friend! Good thing I had my camera for protection!

I discovered that chickens have tongues! But do they have lips? That's still undecided.

Check out this one's eye. Beautiful!

May I see your license, Ma'am? (Doesn't he look like State Trooper material?)

The feather pattern -- Wow!


And now for something completely different!

BIG chicken foot!

Feathered foot

Here’s something else, too! :~)

Bustin' out of the cage! (Well, sort of)

Hush Little Baby

Apparently the parents told this baby to freeze as my car approached — and stay frozen when I got out and stuck the camera in its face. It fell asleep at some point — startling awake when I picked it up to move it to safety.

Oh My! A headless baby robin standing in the road!

A Feathery Tale

It was on my door …

in the driveway ...

at the stop sign ...

when I ordered at Sonic ...

when the carhop arrived ...

at my destination ...

supersaturated black and white ...

shot in sepia ...

shot on 'cool' ...

shot 'warm' ...

and back to 'standard'

Got Distracted In Choir Tonight

When a music book and sheet music combine ...

A Golden Retriever’s Tongue Is Too Big For His Mouth!

Sir Aslan Doogie Of Oakhaven

Promises, Promises!

Dense Fog Alert!

I saw on the Weather Channel that there was a Dense Fog Alert for us until 9 this morning.  They weren’t kidding!  It was one of those fogs that should have delayed school, but the buses rolled anyway!  When my walking partner was running behind, I headed to the park to see if I could find some foggy scenes and spider webs.  Those were great fun to shoot, and I had a hard time deciding which to post.  (I love them all!) But decide I must, so here’s what I chose:


Fog reveals who's under your feet. (Kind of makes your feet feel creepy, huh?)

Hammock Web

Curly blade

I was hoping to find a drop that reflected something!

This is the kind of view I like when I'm going down river.

All these webs and nobody home

Different perspective

Location, location, location. A home with a view!

Morning run

I love the different sizes the drops took. And people say there is no God!

Droplet Guy

This reminds me of a pearl necklace I have.

It just looks like the spider went a little crazy on this design. But what a result!

Floating drops fascinate me.


The camera just doesn't see the colors in the water beads that I was seeing!

What's a photo series without a picture of Aslan? ;~)

The photo session ended when Agent 99 (right) rolled over on the clump of grass I was laying on the ground to photograph.  She’s got some absorbent fur!