After a ‘Weather Event’, the parks offer some fun photo ops.

Looks like the water's receeded a bit, but it will still be a while before the greenway is re-opened
Things that caught my eye — and my shutter finger!
Bubbles And The Gun
Making their own fun makes for a fun afternoon!
Not to worry, I was sure there were plenty of other things to train my lens on. I was right, but nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see.
Time for closer inspection.
My work done there, I turned my attention to a nearby flower.
THEN I saw her.
And I noticed movement on her lumpy part. BABIES! A plethora of BABIES were crawling around on their Mama. BABIES who would GROW UP! In the grass! IN my hometown!!!
A passing dragonfly (perhaps a damsel, I don’t know.) caught my attention, and I turned to fire off a few shots at it.
When I turned back, she was GONE!
I turned away once more and she was GONE.
I took my sandal-shod feet to a spot about a yard away to continue my photo shoot.
I never did get to shoot the butterflies. They reappeared as I was getting in my car to leave. And I saw one at each of the 3 traffic lights on the way home. :~p
And the Mama Arachnid? Wolf Spider. She doesn’t look quite like the one that’s most prevalent in this area, but she’s a wolf spider for sure. In the grass. IN my hometown!
I bought a Buttonbush at a native plant sale. Didn’t know where to plant it, so I potted it beside the porch steps. The blooms weren’t especially showy, but they attracted several really cool, very small, critters for me to take pictures of. Thus, I learned to check it out every time I ascended or descended the steps. A fading bloom of this bush provides the setting for this Tale.
I did the school drop and checked the bush when I got home.
Getting ready to leave again, I checked on the moth once more.
I went down to ground level to investigate.
My friend and I picked up drinks and went to the City Park.
Once upon an ice storm …
While in another part of the yard …
And back at the Yucca Plant …
I’ve been told it’s hard to go places with me these days. The camera is always with me, and there’s always Something Else I just have to shoot!
Frequently I find my subjects in my yard as I go about feeding the beasts that live out there.
(Sometimes they’re right beside me!)
A mysterious glow in the dog food bag is fair game for a shot …
… as is what I saw in the water gauge!
I find things in the woods,
things on the water,
things in a field,
Everywhere I go, there’s Something Else! I love bringing my view of God’s world to Somebody Else.
Which is why I’m here.
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