The Difference 8½ Inches Can Make

After a ‘Weather Event’, the parks offer some fun photo ops.

This tree usually stands in a grassy field

Rose bushes can be hazardous, but today what lies beyond is the danger

There's a concrete foot bridge under those standing waves

Looks like the water's receeded a bit, but it will still be a while before the greenway is re-opened

Meanwhile, under the road ...

Flooded wormholes make for an avian feast!

Giant bubbles randomly appeared in the stiller water

The rain lingers

Snail's eye view of the dam

Snail's eye view of a snail

Human's eye view of the dam

One Spring Day

Things that caught my eye — and my shutter finger!

Morning Rose

K-Town Bridge

The guys with the biggest racks stopped grazing to check me out

Living in a small town, I find this strobe traffic light in a neighboring community fascinating.

Afternoon rose

Violence in the Origami Pond

Yellow and white wildflowers (Some people call these"weeds"!)

Yellow Wildflowers (Some people call these "weeds", too!)

Sticky Note cubes

When Teens Cooperate

Bubbles And The Gun

Blowing the bubbles for target practice

Bubble-eyed face


Wall Bubble

The Bubble And The Gun

Big Bubble

Bubble-Target Practice

Making their own fun makes for a fun afternoon!

Spider Tales — Part Two

The Mother of All “Oh.My.Goodness.” Spiders

So.  I had an hour to kill while the car dealer did his thing.  I’d seen a couple of yellow butterflies fluttering above the overgrown area just beyond the parking lot. I headed that way, camera in hand.
The butterflies were gone when I got there.

Not to worry, I was sure there were plenty of other things to train my lens on.  I was right, but nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see.

Discovered a Spit Bug's Lair. I've just found out that there's more to this bug than the Spit!

I noticed a rolled up leaf with some webbing. Hmm. Somebody must be in there.

Time for closer inspection.

Oh wow. It has legs, but I've never seen anything walking around with a bumpy rear like that!

The side view didn't yield much information. Another leg ...

I saw another leg poking out as I approached the front of the Leaf House.

Resting with a leg out. By now, I'd decided these were spider parts.

Guess I got too close. A leg shot out at me!

And the legs went back in. Whew! That was a close one!

A (blurry) face! Cute. Love the mustache!

I returned to the rear and got a better shot. Still curious about that bumpy back side!

My work done there, I turned my attention to a nearby flower.

Buds. What still hasn't bloomed?

THEN I saw her.

At over 2" long, The BIGGEST SPIDER I'VE EVER SEEN IN THE WILD. In the grass. IN my hometown!

And I noticed movement on her lumpy part.  BABIES!  A plethora of BABIES were crawling around on their Mama.  BABIES who would GROW UP!  In the grass!  IN my hometown!!!
A passing dragonfly (perhaps a damsel, I don’t know.) caught my attention, and I turned to fire off a few shots at it.
When I turned back, she was GONE!

Found her! Hiding under leaves that frame her quite nicely

I really hadn't been sure about the babies, but this shot proves that's what they are.

I turned away once more and she was GONE.
I took my sandal-shod feet to a spot about a yard away to continue my photo shoot.
I never did get to shoot the butterflies.  They reappeared as I was getting in my car to leave.  And I saw one at each of the 3 traffic lights on the way home. :~p
And the Mama Arachnid?  Wolf Spider.  She doesn’t look quite like the one that’s most prevalent in this area, but she’s a wolf spider for sure.  In the grass. IN my hometown!

Spider Tales — Part One

A Buttonbush, A Moth, And A Crab Spider (I think)

I bought a Buttonbush at a native plant sale.  Didn’t know where to plant it, so I potted it beside the porch steps.  The blooms weren’t especially showy, but they  attracted several really cool, very small, critters for me to take pictures of.  Thus, I learned to check it out every time I ascended or descended the steps.  A fading bloom of this bush provides the setting for this Tale.

Oh, look! A moth is resting on the Buttonbush today!

It's one of those bark-colored moths. Interesting head!

Poor thing, it's got a torn wing.

Wow! It looks like the moth is eating a spider!

I did the school drop and checked the bush when I got home.

No! The SPIDER's eating the MOTH! Wow. Never seen THAT before!

Getting ready to leave again, I checked on the moth once more.

Normal moth position. Maybe it wasn't breakfast after all!

I went down to ground level to investigate.

Oh my! An alien has comandeered the moth!

Yeee Haaawww!

Target in sight, Sir

Ahh. Guess the moth is being consumed after all. Looks like the work of a crab spider.

The Squirrel That Stalked Us

My friend and I picked up drinks and went to the City Park.

What's THAT I see?

Act casual ... Make no eye contact!

Creeping ... creeping

Hmmm. Are those cups from Sonic I see?

Hey! Was that a squirrel streaking by?

Watching ... waiting ... blending into the tree

They won't see me behind this leaf!

That leaf obscured my vision!

I give up. I'll just eat a walnut

Yummy! Walnut. (sigh)

The Perfect Ice Storm — All Of The Beauty, None Of The Damage

Once upon an ice storm …

Ice Jewelry

We Want In!

Something happened to our patio!

Waiting For Summer

Waiting For Summer

On A Spider's Line

Meanwhile ... in the Burning Bush

Netted Bubble

Who knows what this is? Not I!

Maybe Spider Babies

Waiting for Spring

Burning Bush
In another part of the Burning Bush
Old Man Winter -- can you see him?

A rare photo of Old Man Winter. Can you see him?

Frozen Drip

Frozen drip

While in another part of the yard …

Watch Out Where The Huskeys Go ;~)

Watch out where the huskeys go ... ;~)

Dog Trot

Dog Trot

Fur And Ice

Retriever Fur is an excellent backdrop for ice balls

Some beasts walk above the ground ...

Some beasts walk above the ground ...

... and some walk underneath!

... and some walk underneath!

Dripping ice

Frozen mini-cascade

Sad Guy And The Frog

Sad Guy and The Frog

Red Twig

Red is supposed to be a warm color. Not warm enough for today!

Bear Head

There's a White Bear's head attached to those leaves!

Drippy Leaves

Drippy winter leaves

Ice Scene


Icy Blue

Icy Blue

Leaf Guy. Can you see him?

Leaf Guy put in an appearance

The Rare Rearing Pine Stallion also showed up.

Log Puddle

A pond for the puppies do get a drink

And back at the Yucca Plant …

Yucca frond

Eek! Monster!
The perils of being a nature photographer!

A peril of being a nature photographer!

As long as I'm down here, I might as well take a picture! :~)

As long as I'm down here, I might as well take a picture! :~) (OR ... Another peril of being a nature photographer!)

And Now For Something Else …

I’ve been told it’s hard to go places with me these days.  The camera is always with me, and there’s always Something Else I just have to shoot!

Frequently I find my subjects in my yard as I go about feeding the beasts that live out there.

(Sometimes they’re right beside me!)

A mysterious glow in the dog food bag is fair game for a shot …

… as is what I saw in the water gauge!

I find things in the woods,

things on the water,

things in a field,

and things on the patio.

Everywhere I go, there’s Something Else!  I love bringing my view of God’s world to Somebody Else.

Which is why I’m here.