The snow had barely started. When getting into the car, I saw this sitting on the hood. A tiny Ballerina Snow Bear, made by God for our viewing pleasure.
Per-pet-ual Motion
It Was A Cold Day
Pretty Cat, Pretty Cat — A ‘Q & A’ Post
Pretty Cat, Pretty Cat, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?
I’ve been in the cold yard — out in the snow.
Pretty Cat, Pretty Cat, what did you do?IÂ wanted to come in the house — with you!
Pretty Cat, Pretty Cat, where have you been?
I went exploring and got in the car.
Pretty Cat, Pretty Cat, did you go far?The car didn’t move … Oh! There you are!
Pretty Cats, Pretty Cats, where have you been?
We’ve been on the front porch looking at things.
Pretty Cats, Pretty Cats, what did you see?
We saw a black cat — what a beauty was he!
Pretty Cat, Pretty Cat, what did you dream?
I dreamed of adventure …
I dreamed of cooked meat …
(I dreamed that I sat
in the Driver’s Seat!)
Pretty Cat, Pretty Cat, Where will you be?
or hide in the grass.
I’ll sit in a flow’r pot
Waiting for you to pass
(and pet me!)
(under the flowers)
I’ll drink from the pond
left after the showers.
We’ll doze around backWhile your Beast keeps guard
I’ll lay on a tableKing of the Yard! (Roar)
Use a pot for my pillow
So … Pretty Cat, Pretty Cat,
How was your day?I walked on the roof-top
And played the Squirrel’s game
Then checked out the new guy
(I don’t know his name.)I stared down a Rascal
Got me a nap,
I guess I will go nowIn search of a lap!
:~D (Hint, hint)
The Perfect Ice Storm — All Of The Beauty, None Of The Damage
Once upon an ice storm …
While in another part of the yard …
And back at the Yucca Plant …